Thursday, January 7, 2010

Do you think washing clothes by hand in the bathtub will give me a good enough workout?

have you people wash clothes by hand before? it is really a hard work, but i can only says that it only workout you upper body and it takes you long time before you be able to burn some calories, may be after washing clothes, do a lot of ironing, then vacuum and mop the floor(with many bending down for hard reaching area and stretching.) for a big area, then wash a big car, do it everyday should be good enough.Do you think washing clothes by hand in the bathtub will give me a good enough workout?
No washing clothing by hand will not give you a work out at all.

Though u will burn mroe clories doing this then useing the washing machine. the amount of effort needed to wash clothing by hand isnt raise your heart rate up for an extended period of time and it isnt giving you any resistance for your muscle to work hard to accomplish a movment.

The only benefit this will provide is the few extra calories burned, and also a lot more water waste then just using the machine.Do you think washing clothes by hand in the bathtub will give me a good enough workout?
Stop making excuses for getting REAL exercise.
Good enough for what?

Probably not.

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