Thursday, January 7, 2010

Important of hand washing and how this is properly done?

Hand washing helps eliminate germs more than using hand sanitizers.

Proper way to do it at least what I learned at school

1. Get a paper towel and turn on the faucet. Have the water warm not hot.

2. Use a good soap and lather up. Washing in between the fingers, and clean your nails with an orange stick or rub them on your palm. Make sure you get back of the hands as well.

3. Rinse hands having the water run down your hands.

4. Use a towel to dry hands be sure not to let water run back up your arm.

5. Use another towel to turn off the faucet.Important of hand washing and how this is properly done?
Hand washing is probably the single most effective means of protecting your health. Proper washing with ordinary soap kills and removes up to 99.5 of germs and viruses. You don't NEED antibacterials if you simply take the time to wash correctly.

Get your hands wet and work up a good lather, distributing it over all surfaces up to the wrist. Continue rubbing until the skin is clean and slippery. then rinse thoroughly and either air dry or use clean paper or cloth towelling. It's really not that hard.Important of hand washing and how this is properly done?
By frequently washing your hands you wash away germs that you have picked up from other people, or from contaminated surfaces, or from animals and animal waste.

What happens if you do not wash your hands frequently?

You pick up germs from other sources and then you infect yourself when you

--- Touch your eyes

--- Or your nose

--- Or your mouth.

One of the most common ways people catch colds is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with the cold virus.

You can also spread germs directly to others or onto surfaces that other people touch. And before you know it, everybody around you is getting sick.

The important thing to remember is that, in addition to colds, some pretty serious diseases -- like hepatitis A, meningitis, and infectious diarrhea -- can easily be prevented if people make a habit of washing their hands.

When should you wash your hands?

You should wash your hands often. Probably more often than you do now because you can't see germs with the naked eye or smell them so you do not really know where they are hiding.

It is especially important to wash your hands

--- Before, during, and after you prepare food,

--- Before you eat, and after you use the bathroom,

--- After handling animals or animal waste,

--- When your hands are dirty, and

--- More frequently when someone in your home is sick.

What is the correct way to wash your hands?

--- First wet your hands and apply liquid or clean bar soap. Place the bar soap on a rack and allow it to drain.

--- Next rub your hands vigorously together and scrub all surfaces.

--- Continue for 10 - 15 seconds or about the length of a little tune. It is the soap combined with the scrubbing action that helps dislodge and remove germs.

bullet Rinse well and dry your hands.
Extremely important. Especially after using the restroom because you can get hepatitis A if you ingest your crap by having it on your hands while you eat...even the smallest, invisible ammount. There are a whole host of other diseases you can get as well including the flu.

Use hot water that is just short of burning your skin off. Soap up about 4 inches above your wrist and rinse off. Repeat if necessary, and use the towel you dry your hands with to turn off the water (remember, you just touched those handles with your dirty hands to turn them on.)

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