Sunday, December 20, 2009

Can I use 'softsoap' hand washing soap to clean pieces (or in general the entire cage) in a budgie cage?

Or is that not safe for them?Can I use 'softsoap' hand washing soap to clean pieces (or in general the entire cage) in a budgie cage?
You can use dish soap or hand soap to clean the cage,toys, dishes etc. It will not harm the bird as long as the items are fully rinsed off.

Dishes: Food and water dishes should be washed in hot, soapy water, and dried thoroughly. Do not clean the dishes in areas where food is prepared. To provide more cleaning power, some people wash them in the dishwasher or use a disinfectant. Be sure no trace of soap or disinfectant remains on the dishes. The food dishes need to be absolutely dry before adding food, since damp seed or pellets can quickly mold. To avoid waste, fill the dishes with only the amount the bird will eat until the dishes are cleaned again.

A good alternative is to have two or more sets of dishes, so while one set is being cleaned, the other set can be used in the cage. Stainless steel or high impact plastic dishes are recommended since they clean easily and can withstand repeated washings, hot water, and disinfectants.

If you use a water bottle, use a bottlebrush to clean it thoroughly. Again, having two or more bottles available often makes cleanup easier. Check the bottle to make sure the ball is loose and works properly.

Accessories: If you have a birdbath in the cage, it should be removed, washed in hot soapy water and/or disinfectant, rinsed very well, and refilled with fresh water.

Any accumulations of droppings on perches or toys should be removed.

Remove any seeds or loose droppings from the cage. Scrub the cage with hot soapy water.Can I use 'softsoap' hand washing soap to clean pieces (or in general the entire cage) in a budgie cage?
no no no don't ever use sopas. Just get a clean rag and wipe it down with steamy water. Soaps can kill us.
I don't suggest useing products as human soap, because they have germ killing things that are powerful to germs, and depending on how good your budgies immune system is, that'll depend. If you are looking for something that will help get the built-up of things off, try useing water and poop off cleaner, it works very well.
You need to use hot water and then it is ok. Just be sure it is rinsed very very well.
As long as you rinse it well, I don't think it will do any harm.

I use an old toothbrush and shampoo or soapfree bodywash.
I wouldn't recommend it,however for the cage I found a site that recommends using 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water. An excellent place to ask these sorts of questions is called tailfeathers which deals with birds and I have found it realy helpful.
I don't recommend using soap of any kind to clean your cages. For my budgies and my cockateils I use a sink full of hot water to soak the perches in, then i use a scrub brush (that i don't use for anything else) to clean off the debris with. I then put my parts in the dish drainer to dry. I wipe out their cage with a clean cloth using only hot water also. This is the safest way... I learned the hard way. I accidentally lost one of my budgies when i was a new bird owner by washing their feeding dishes with mild dish soap. I hope this helps you.
I would tend to stay away from hand soaps or spray cleaners. Both can have nasty chemicals in them that may upset the birds. I would actually use Dawn dishwashing soap (SPECIFICLY Dawn, no others) not straight, but mixed with a little water.

The reason I would use that is I know for a fact that it causes the least problems when used on birds. Dawn has been used for de-oiling bird species after an oil spill for over 20 years now, and has proven safe to use.
I suggest you use a mild dishwashing liquid - I know that's safe. and rinse well.
i use water vinigar and a bit of bicarb. i just put it in a spray bottle and use it that way. but when the whole cage needs to be cleaned use hot water instead of cold.

the spray is good for cleaning little accidents around the house.


lady :)

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