Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why is hand washing a health issue?

Hand washing among health care workers has critical implications for the spread of germs and disease in hospitals and other health care settings. Many studies that attempt to measure the extent of hand washing use the observational method of research.Why is hand washing a health issue?
Because during the day we touch so many things on the germs go on our hands. It is very disgusting if you don't. As I'm typing this, there are probably germs going on to my hands. Got to go wash my hands!Why is hand washing a health issue?
First off all, it's gross if you don't. Think about it: you go to the bathroom in a public restroom, flush the slightly wet handle, open the door... and then you leave without washing your hands and eat a sandwich. One of the most common traces found on bus poles (for standing and holding on too) is feces. I personally don't want to have traces of that on my hand and then bite my nails or eat something.

Second, it spreads germs like colds (rubbing your nose, touching something, sneezing), sometimes it can be serious viruses that spread through germs. However one huge mistake people are doing now a days is giving 2 year olds hand sanitizers. It's preventing them from building up immunity, which is a critical age in building immunity.

Health care workers especially should wash their hands. They could go from a room where someone is vomiting, get traces of the vomit on their hands, and then touch another patient who has cancer and has very bad immunity.
I do not consider hand washing a health issue, just good hygiene. Our hands come into contact with things in the environment every second of the day and it is critical to our health that we wash our hands before we put anything into our mouths, rub our eyes, etc. Health care workers therefore, have a responsibility to patients to be hygienic and to sanitize the exposed parts of their body when they have to treat patients, especially in surgery. Imagine a scenario where a health worker had shook hands with a person who has just left the lavatory without washing his hands. The health worker immediately goes to the nursery to tend to a newborn baby and held the baby's little fingers, later the baby puts his fingers to his mouth and sucks it, can you see how germs can be transported to a third party, which can cause problems? In this case the baby, whose immune system is at a fragile state.
  • option arm
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