Sunday, December 20, 2009

Explain on a molecular level how hand washing stops the spread of viruses?

also, How does a laboratory tell if a person is sick with the flu? What is the difference between what the state could do in terms of only ruling out the swine flu, and what the CDC tests do?

Can't find these do, thankss for the helpp:)Explain on a molecular level how hand washing stops the spread of viruses?
none of the states are set up for culturing and growing and identifying the H1N1 virus, it makes economic sense to send specimens to the one facility in the country that IS set up for it.

Hand washing is effective because the soap or detergent agent that you use to wash prevents the virus from sticking to the skin and it is therefore washed away. If the virus isn't sticking to your skin, it cannot be transmitted to someone else or some other surface.

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