Thursday, December 24, 2009

What do ya think of constant hand washing?

Our son is 11 years old and washes his hands constantly. We can't get him to listen. He will wash for minutes at a time. He will leave the bathroom and go back in just a few minutes and wash again. His hands are getting so dry they are starting to crack. This is a true problem.What do ya think of constant hand washing?
I would suggest a consultation with a child psychiatrist-he might have some hidden concerns.What do ya think of constant hand washing?
That is a serious condition. I saw a program on it on television a few years ago. I dont remember what the condition is called but you might want to have him taken to the doctor to be evaluated by a professional.
This is a problem. It sounds like obsessive compulsive disorder. There are 2 approaches to take with this. The first is to see a psychologist and see if there is some reason for this. It has been reported that the child engages in activities that he thinks are dirty (ie masturbation) and wants somehow to wash the dirt of it away.

The other is to see a psychiatrist for medication to slow down the obsessive behavior.
Is it there some specific reason why he wants to wash the hands. At 11, I think he can explain why he wants to wash his hands. This looks like a feeling that he is getting dirty with something and lies more in the mind. You need to discuss it with him and try to convince that ';whatever his fears about (most probably hygiene) they are not correct and no normal person would do what he is doing. And he is a normal person, right?';

If problems persist, you may have to consult a psychologist/psychiatrist.
One disorder (in cognitive thought process) is OCD: obsessive compulsive disorder. Most children will go thru a developmental period where things like obsessive compulsive type behaviour is quite normal. Examples could be avoiding cracks on a footpath and ritualistic routines. In some people this phase does not pass and may become more fixed. Sometimes it can be triggered later by illness, stress or trauma.

While you find a recommended child psychologist, lessen the impact by providing a gentle handwash rather than a harsher soap product and offer a hand or barrier cream. Do not force him to stop or punish him but do share your concerns for him, with him. Do some reading around it. Don't take this as a diagnosis.... its just one possible answer to what your son is experiencing. Good luck.

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