Thursday, December 24, 2009

What is the best method of hand washing and drying for food factory workers?

I work in the office of a food manufacturer, they are very meticulous about cleanliness. Their hand washing method before and after entering the factory consists of a large stainless steel trough-like sink close to the entrance/exit doors. Above each sink are three soap dispensers each containing hand scrub, disinfectant soap and moisturising soap. There is a lever positioned in line with the taps underneath the sink. This controls the water flow and worked by pressing with the knee.

To avoid contamination no part of the sink is touched by the hands. The procedure on entering and leaving the factory is to wash hands and wrists with the soap scrub first and rinse, second to wash with the disinfectant soap and rinse, then finally to wash with the moisturising soap and rinse. Paper towels and electric hand dryers are used to dry the hands. Hair nets, hats and sterile overalls are also worn.What is the best method of hand washing and drying for food factory workers?
I go with angel1902!!

I would also point out that in the UK do not use nailbrushes as the HSE will point this out and advise against it as they too can harbour germs!What is the best method of hand washing and drying for food factory workers?
warm electric fan
The taps are not touched, they work by a sensor which switches on the water. The hands are washed in hot water,then wiped using dispensed paper towels which are disposed of in a foot operated pedal bin.

Alcohol gel is then rubbed into the hands This must be done before entering and exiting the food production area.

In strict factories they will take a swab from your hands, for analyses to the micro- biology lab.
The answer is obvious, there as to be hot water and soap and then paper towels to wipe your hands on. The waste basket should be placed outside the toilet area as germs are spread via door handles. The roller towels are useless as they harbour germs, and the heated hand dryers just recycle all the airborne germs.
They have to wash their hands for 30 seconds under hot water with soap, thoroughly rinse, and dry. Easiest way is to sing the Happy Birthday song while washing.
Don't know, when u do find out do tell me
I have worked food service for many years. The correct method in the state of Illinois is......

Dispense paper towel from roll. Leave on dispenser. Turn on your warm water. Get hands and arms (halfway to elbow) wet. Lather with soap. Use nail brush to clean nails. Scrub hands and arms for 30 seconds or more. Rinse. Leave water running. Pull towel from dispenser and dry hands. Use towel to turn off faucet and open door if there is a door. Throw away towel.

Chefgrill is right on the Happy Birthday song. If you sing it while scrubbing you know you have scrubbed the proper amount of time.

If everybody knew how to wash their hands properly we wouldn't have e-coli in our spinach.
In addition to what the other folks have said, it would be a good idea to have anti-bacterial hand wipes available in the work area.

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