Thursday, December 24, 2009

How do I get myself to stop over-washing my hands, and to stop over-using hand sanitizers?

Whenever I see a sanitizer in a hospital I need to use it.

I have hand sanitizers in my house, my mom buys them for me. I like to wash my hands a lot.

I'm very germaphobic.

But, I heard over-using sanitizers is bad for you.How do I get myself to stop over-washing my hands, and to stop over-using hand sanitizers?
it can be bad to over use it. you should use 1 or 2 drops, no more.

because if you use too much, then put it by your mouth, you can get sick or poisoned.

but if you're not going to put it by your mouth in any way, ie, before you eat, it's ok...How do I get myself to stop over-washing my hands, and to stop over-using hand sanitizers?
I think you should keep washing your hands... buy an Anti Bacterial, Moisturizing Hand Gel, no water-no towels! remember! SWINE FLU IS AROUND!
Only use it when needed. Maybe do it every so often. After meals, before meals and when you go out or come back from going out, it's fine if you use it while out also!

It's good to be clean, most of the population aren't :/
i diddnt know it was bad 4
Just remind yourself of all those chemicals you are plastering your skin with.
haha im like that too with hand sanitizer

whenever i see germ-x or purell i MUSTTT use it and i always have mini bottles of it with me

its pretty common and i would think using to much germ x would dry out your hands eventually so just.....hold yourself back,dont use too much!
I use hand sanitizers all the time. I've got loads too. I use them when I'm out and about. But personally, only use it when you really need to like, when you need to touch your face, or before you eat. :)

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